Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Application for Birth.

I need to get a new birth certificate so I can come to the US in March. The sheet that I had to fill out says "Application for Birth". It's pretty cool. If I messed it up, I might end up being someone else.....Ben Sczebel perhaps..... hahahaha. It's funny.

I came upon some other olde (ha) writings in a hymn book that I have...well actually my dad and I share it....it was printed 120 years ago this past January in London, and now it's falling apart, but it's stocked with great stuff. I sometimes just sit down and read large portions of it just because I like the way they worded things.

This particular hymn was written by Horatio Bonar.

(_I preserved the Olde English here because it's a billion gazzillion times better than how we talk now_)

Thy way not mine, O Lord,
However dark it be,
Lead me by Thine own hand,
Choose out the path for me.

Smooth let it be, or rough,
It still will be the best,
Winding or straight it leads,
Right onward to Your rest.

I dare not choose my lot,
I would not if I might,
Choose Thou for me, my God,
So I shall walk aright.

Lord, take my cup and it,
With joy or sorrow fill,
As best to Thee may seem,
Choose Thou my good and ill.

Choose Thou for me my friends,
My sickness and my health,
Choose Thou my cares for me,
My poverty or wealth.

Not mine, not mine the choice,
In all things great or small,
Be Thou my Guide, and Strength,
My Wisdom, and my all.

In ALL things great or small. That's what convicted me. I (think that I) leave the big things up to God, and try to work out the little details on my own. Unfortunately that doesn't work because being sinful, I would never choose the right option, which shows that it really is God still working out the details, because I would be in a scary place if it truly was left to me. And I love how suspicious Horatio is of his heart. He says "I dare not choose my lot, I would not if I might.". Basically he's saying that even if he had the option of being able to direct ever part of his life, he wouldn't dare take that option because He knew (though apparently I don't) that he would quickly go astray. Ahh. Horatio. Good thoughts old boy. Cheerio, Chow and the whole rest of it.



Brittany said...

You still didn't tell me from your last post. How did you almost die?

overthinker said...

That is excellent. Why don't people write like that anymore?

I'm can be like that. Proudfully assume that God doesn't want to be bothered with the "little things" (like school) so I try to handle them myself. Now I'd NEVER actually say that, but that's the attitude my actions show.

Yet He is so gracious to work on us! (No matter how stupid some of us seem to be).

Anonymous said...

We were almost blown off a two hundred foot bridge.

By wind.

Brittany said...

Not good.

Anonymous said...

the fabulous windy day that knocked over trees and what not! haha!