Saturday, December 31, 2005

well it's about time.

Sorry that I haven't posted in awhile. I've been busy.
Now I'm not though. So I'm posting.

1. I saw napoleon dynamite before it was a fad. I saw it when no one knew what it was. I did think it was funny, but now that everybody in the whole world seems to quote it, it's not as funny.
2. Listen to Sigur Ros. Sweet stuff.
3. I want to make a documentary about Big Foot.
4. I'm going to post a longer post later because I really need to eat right now.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

I didn't get time to post last night.
Now I have to leave for work in ten minutes.
It's too bad there isn't more time in a day.

A Boy Named Sue.


what a great song.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

If I could post more I would.

I would like to post more. But right now I'm working way too much.

Tired. Later tomorrownight I'll post a good one.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas from the North.

It is unbelievably warm up here in Canada for this time of year.
It's supposed to get up to 58 today.
Last night I wanted to go for a walk.
I didn't because it was raining really hard.]

Merry Christmas.

Friday, December 23, 2005

time for a new post.

I was going to do a post about Christmas, but I'm not going to because everyone else is.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Of teeth and big wrenches.

I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow morning. should be loads of fun. Then again I'll be asleep. but when I wake up it will be even more fun. And there will be lots of blood and and big craters in the back of my mouth.

I just hope that I won't be in pain all weekend, because next week I'm working twelve hour days from monday to saturday, and I probably won't have any rest at all.

But whatever the case, I'm certainly very grateful to just be able to chill out at home for a couple of days with all the fam.

But now I must turn my attention to more important matters as the Canucks are going to beat the Oilers.


Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Mint Madly

Mint Madly is really a complex fellow. He grew up in the classic rock era, but had something entirely futuristic about him. He played bass guitar, first in a heavy metal band when he was sixteen, but later switched to softer rock because he wanted to play solos with his bass like an electric guitar, and between the drummer (who was deaf from hitting the symbols so hard and broke from having to replace all the dented ones) and the lead guitar player (who was deaf from having his amp-which went up to eleven instead of just ten-turned all the way up, and broke because he had to get a new one every couple of weeks), he decided metal was not the place for him. But soft rock was really no better, and after attempting country, punk, latin, and swedish pop, he decided to make a solo album with classical bass guitar, then three bonus tracks with a distinct flavour of the seventies rock scene in them. This was the breakthrough. It was so different. No one ever thought off playing a classical bass solo before, not to mention mixing it with rock. Mint went huge, his first record- Mint Madly and the Metamorphosing Monarchs went platinum (and yes, he definitely had a thing for alliteration) within it's first week of being released.

Suddenly Mint was a star, and he lived like one. He bought a new car every few months, had houses in several different countries, and got his hair permed every three days (just to make sure it was still looking Madly Mintish-which was mint's version of saying something looked cool). Unfortunately Mint had a rare chemical disorder which he acquired from is youngling days as a redneck in the Florida swamps. He loved steak. In fact he loved steak so much that it got to the point of it being detrimental to his health. With lot's of money come lot's of steak, and mint couldn't get enough. He had steak at least twice a day, and sometimes even for breakfast. His health quickly slid into slump that was beyond either his money or his incredible bass playing talents to fix, and he died at the young age of 43.

His dying wish was that his logo (a mint leaf) would be put on Tic Tac mint containers, and that on his tombstone there would be an engraving that would say " Mint Madly and the Metamorphosing Monarchs was of a madly mintish make, and LONG LIVE STEAK!!!!!!!!!!"

Mint Madly is a fictional character concocted by the brains of Doug Gough, Josh Sczebel, and I.

LONG LIVE STEAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


There will be a full post on Mint Madly, the disgruntled, retro-modern bass guitarsist tonight when I get home.

haha. this should be good.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Stuck up a tree.

Not really because I have to go to work in a few moments, then I'll be stuck on a power jack.

oh well. As long as there's a big sugary coke waiting for me at the vending machine I'll be fine.

wow I'm really tired. that's not the best way to go to work. it's bad enough coming home like that.


Sunday, December 18, 2005

want to post, need to sleep.

tomorrow's comin' faster than i would prefer.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Forget it.

Tonight was really good. Got to just sit and watch the concert rather than filming it, then got to go out and eat food (ahh thank goodness for food-I was really hungry), and create the official response to ranch dressing- Bungalow. A mix of sour cream, lemon juices, and honey. I didn't taste it because I don't like ranch or sour cream, but it was me who suggested that some sweetener be used. Now I have very little time to sleep before I have to get up tomorning, have a guitar lesson, help my cousins move, head downtown to do something (I can't officially recall what...), and somehow manage to also do some christmas shopping. Soooooooooo......

It's time for sleep.

Angels from the realms of glory,
Wing your flight o'er all the earth,
You who sang creations story,
Now proclaim Messiah's birth.


Friday, December 16, 2005

Well, well...

Just went and saw King Kong. It was incredible. Some pretty freakishly large bugs and bats and creepy people in it though. yeah. If you were at all creeped out by the spider in Return of the King, this was a lot worse. And I really don't mind bugs. wow though. It was still really good. Kind of reminded me of Jurassic Park....not sure why. hahaha. But it was a lot better.

Now it's quarter after one, and I have WAY too much going on today. Here's the plan for the day, remembering that my plans are futile, and only His plan always works out the way it's supposed to....

1. Sleep for hopefully a few hours.
2. Wake up.
3. Be at work by 10:00AM ( I'm usually there at 1:00, but I need to get off early today so I'm starting early.)
4. Get off work at 6:00PM.
5. Get to Crossway Community Church's annual christmas concert by 8:00PM.
6. Film the concert.
7. Hopefully eat something. (haha)
8. Go home and sleep more.

then saturday....

1. Wake up.
2. Guitar lesson at 9:00AM.
3. (hopefully) chill out for the rest of the day.

then sunday....

1. Wake up.
2. At church from 7:30-1:00.
3. Work (yes I have to work on this one sunday. I'm really not looking forward to losing part of my weekend.) from 2:00-10:00PM.
4. Sleep.

then the rest of the week...(haha this is getting boring and I'm not even reading it.)

1. Sleep.
2. Work.

and so on.

But I'm off on wednesday to get some orthodontical ( I think that's not a word) surgery in my mouth. not fun. Actually....Anything can be great fun if you just have the right attitude!!!!!!!!!! (please imagine a very fake looking smile plastered across my face here.) No. I don't really think it'll be fun but I shouldn't whine.

Then I also get thursday....wait. No, I actually get my teeth out on thursday. I guess wednesday is just work. but I get friday off too. Then of course the weekend and christmas. it's amazing how soon it is.

I really need to shop.
for christmas presents.

and I need to sleep. I think this is the first couple of weeks in my life to possibly be called busy. ( on a very unbusyish scale )

I'm making no sense now.


Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Couldn't think of a title. oh. can't think at all. I just need to sleep.

I will post in the morning.


Tuesday, December 13, 2005


What am I doing sitting with a laptop on my lap right now? I really should sleep. But I have a bunch of stuff I need to do before I can go to sleep. So why don't I go do my stuff? I don't know. I guess it's because there's a laptop on my lap and because I'm typing. Dumb. I'm going to do something else. If anyone actually reads this before they comment, for your first comment, include some random thought about christmas, or a christmas memory or something like that. I like christmas. I'm going to have a new christmas memory this year because I'm getting my wisdom teeth out two or three days before. Fun. One year I was sick on Christmas day, and stayed in bed all day. And when I was ten I used to wake up at about five on the morning of. and one year we got snowed in. there was about three feet of snow. (that's a lot for Vancouver) We couldn't drive anywhere for a few days.

I want a robotic pet that I can turn off when I get tired of it. hahahaha. not for chrismas. just in general.


pst...I just registered for NA.

hahaha. Got that done. \\

It would be really nice if they now said, "oh by the way, you won that 30G Ipod."
I would be pleased.

haha. Out.

Monday, December 12, 2005

I don't think I'm going to do any posts on my blog for a couple of days.

I'll still comment though.

Probably mostly about breakdancing hedgehogs.

it'll be a nice break.


Saturday, December 10, 2005

¿ sdrawkcab kool siht seod yhw

The big cat, the scary lady, and the large awkward piece of furniture.

Tonight. Actually in a few minutes.


I think I would dislike being a cat.

Sorry. Random thought. People are really this time of year aren't they? I don't know the meaning of the word busy. One day it'll happen. hahha. right now I have a lot more time than I need. But all of you commentors are busy aren't you? Haven't been many comments of late. Not that that's not alright. It's alright to be busy and have better things to do than sit on the computer. In fact it's a good thing. out.

good times at Festevus.

Festevus was a blast. Good food, good people, and really bad kareoke (two things here. I have no idea if that's how it's spelt, and I really don't know that it is possible for kareoke to be good so....). There were also games, prizes, and a really corny movie made by a couple of hosers who happen to be extremely random.

Yikes it's late. better head for dreamland, because 8;00's gonna come fast.

by the way, if anyone had absolutely no idea what Festevus is, it's our C4 Christmas party. There. Fairly easily explained.
it was supposed to be "quasi-formal" and was random from start to finish. That made it a big hit with me. Josh managed to find himself a black velvet blazer from some thrift store for the occasion, but I had to make do with a mohawk. In fact that gel-glue stuff pam told me to use is still going strong, and I doubt that I'll get my hair down for a week. hahahaha.

out. sleep. and for old times sake, look at the stars.

Friday, December 09, 2005

I know, I know, I don't post enough about anything interesting anyways.

Ahhh. just started to post and now I have to do something else. why does that always seem to happen. it's like people wait for when you sit down and begin to type and then wham!!!!! They remind you of something you should have already done that you didn't do because you're lazy and you don't have enough time. Then as you continue to type you realize that those are both lame excuses and maybe you're just a hoser. whatever the case, I must go. hahahahahaha.

better post later, or else tonight.

dang....I forgot, Festevus tonight. good times.


But I'll still try and do a better post.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

A Newish Post.

I would like to first off say that I stole that title directly from dams. I randomly like to steal other people's ideas because I can't come up with any good ones on my own. hahahaha/.

Yesterday I was sick. I had a fever at work and was shivering and aching. I wasn't too sure if I was going to live or not. hahaha.
Today I was much better because as is always the case with me, I am never sick for more than a day. If I remain sick longer it is always a cough, and they aren't frequent visitors.

Today was slow at work, so I drew a big R in a circle on my hand that looks something like this: Ⓡ. I also stuck a big bright orange sticker around my wrist for no reason at all. I was feeling very random.

Thank goodness the world spins. It would be a pain if we had to travel to india for day, and australia for summer.

And thank goodness I don't live any further north otherwise the days would be even shorter than they are now.

Right now it's dark at about 4:30 in the afternoon.

But in the summer it stays light so late.

Sorry that I have nothing real to talk about.
I haven't really done anything lately.

Au revior et bon nuit.

Monday, December 05, 2005

back in the day....

I just wrote a really long post and now have just gone and deleted it. I wasn't feeling it. I wasn't even thinking while I was typing, so I don't even recall much of what I wrote. It's too bad I have nothing interesting to say. I did not go skydiving today, nor did I fight a grizzly bear. I didn't invent a world altering new energy source, nor did I write a best selling book. I didn't make any knew friends, I didn't almost die at work (not that I would have wanted to or anything like that), I didn't get promoted, I haven't dunked yet, I haven't gone to that crepe place downtown lately, I haven't gone to White Rock lately, I don't have any great thoughts filling up my head, I don't even have anything left to add to this major run-on sentence. hahahaha. I'm not grumbling. God is good. And I wouldn't necessarily even want to do any of those things which I listed there, they were just the things that I could think of that I didn't do, thus making this post less interesting and harder to write. It's definitely harder to write when you have no ideas. But I'll keep limping along and see what comes......

Beavers are scary. don't make the mistake of thinking they're cute. that's what they want you to think.

Muffins are really good. but they make me feel gross. like when I eat McDonalds.

Why do cafeterias serve such nasty things?

Why did marty call me chris martin on sunday?

What in the world is "The importance of being Earnest'?

Wow those little gel mint thingys that josh spoke of on his blog were good. He's lucky he hid them. I would have ate them all in on bite.

AAAAAAAHH> I'm hungry but I can't eat until probably 8:30AM tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have a lot of rubber bands on my wrists right now.

Three pink, two brown, and one fat yellow one.

I like rubber bands.

Hence the name of this blog.

But THE rubber bands have long been decomposing.

Can rubber decompose?

Doesn't rubber come from rubber trees?

If it does, then why couldn't it decompose?

Maybe it just takes a long time.

I am feeling very thankful that God made heat.

What if there was only cold.

And if we were used to it.

But we didn't even know what heat was.

Guitar is so much better than piano. Sorry jake whoever-you-are-oh-yeah-phillips.

But I very much appreciate piano.

Second to guitar I would place it, and I don't even play.

I used to play flute.

Josh used to laugh at me.

Other people used to laugh at me.

I like how flutes sound.

Remember about the beavers. Don't trust them whatever you do. They have their long, sharp rodent teeth that'll rip you to shreds. Yes, they're really vicious.

La soleil monte au-dessus de la mer, et je souhaite pourrais la voir.


That's how bilbo tries to end an increasingly unpleasant conversation with gandalf at the beginning of "the hobbit'. If you've read the book you'll know it didn't work. hahaha.


Saturday, December 03, 2005


I played guitar for four hours straight this afternoon. Dang. It was a long time. I played U2 and Coldplay, and a bunch of others, I played accoustic and electric, and I played with josh (on the bass) a bit too. then we set up our christmas tree. then pa, josh, josh hedder, and I went to Fatburger for a burger, and now we're going to watch some film. I wanted to get War of the Worlds, but nobody else wanted to. War of the Worlds was really good if anyone hasn't seen it. I totally digged it. hahaha. well it was pretty good at least. Tom Cruise was good. I actually don't think I've seen a him in a movie that I didn't like. I actually think he's in the movie we're watching tonight.

here's some more of the foto session we had at the aeroport.

ok. it's not working. darn. ahh. technology is not easy.

it's really cold. it was a little depressing watching my sisters desert video footage. white sand and cacti. it's hard stuff.
hahahaha. Watching hockey right now as well. ok. I think we're going to watch the movie. church tomorrow. can't wait. goodnight.

if I had more time I'd:

Write a much longer post, go play "Beautiful Day" by U2, take a nap, go out in the snow, write a song, write a book, watch a Vancouver Canucks game, go play soccer, study India in the 1800's, make a long gory movie about WW2, make a long nongory movie about nothingness, make a long funny movie about a road trip, take a road trip, visit my gallos, visit my floridian friends, visit my texan friends, and go to New York and try not to get rolled.

That's what I'd do if I had a bit more time. As it is, I think I have to go somewhere right now. Ah, here's something to throw out there to anyone who reads this: Is there a person in any of your families who rarely knows what's going on until right as it's happening? In my family that's me. they say get in the car, I get in, we drive for a bit, then I rather hesitantly, and shamefully (because I realize that I should know what's going on) ask where we are going. Then the rest of the family informs me that it is something that has been planned for months, and when I ask why I didn't know about it they just laugh, and there's that awkward silence. I then resign myself to looking out the window at the tall pointy mountains, still being very confused.

Look out, I look out at night,
Planets are movin at the speed of light,
Climb up, up in the trees,
Every chance that you get is a chance you seize,

Speed of Sound_ Coldplay

ok. I actually don't have to go anywhere. hahahahaha. So when I think I have to go somewhere I really don't. So confusing. but when I think i have nothing to do I really have something to do.

It seems like everyone is sick. Kayla has some throat issue, and now is covered in spots. I don't know if they're chicken pocks. I'm even starting to feel sick. That's not rare for me, but what's rare is that I feel sort of run down. When I usually get sick I keep doing things the way I always would, and the fact that I might not feel well really doesn't bother me. But right now I am not actually sick yet, but I feel tired and sleepy and really worn out.

oh well.


Friday, December 02, 2005

snow, hills, tigers, forests, and mountains.

I was going to take some pictures in the snow today. Instead I took sam out in the snow. The snow stopped, but then started again, and was lightly falling all the time we were out. First we climbed this big hill, the we hunted this huge tiger in the woods. We followed the tracks forever, but as soon as we got close we kinda got stuck in a little stream. sam was running across and got stuck then I had to save him. his foot was stuck, so I got it out. hjahahahaha.. not like I really saved him. I just felt like saying that. hahaha. what a hoser. I am. So then we kept going, found that the trail we were following had a dead end, then we had to back track back to this open field in the middle of the woods. So basically after about two hours of running around and getting lost in the woods, we got back out, climbed this other hill (which sam called a mountain) and then came home. Now I've got to go soon. oh well. haha. such a funny morning. and for any of you who didn't already catch it, the tiger was imaginary. So we were hunting an imaginary thing and getting lost and tired for two hours.

Thursday, December 01, 2005


Snow is nice. It makes the night seem brighter. I think it has something to do with the light reflecting off the white snow. ]]
"..........(drumroll).....It's a beautiful daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, don't let it get away"- I like that song. I especially like playing it on guitar and strumming way too hard and breaking strings while I play it. fun. haha. Today has been a beautiful day. Sunny until it got dark at 4:00, then it started snowing, and has been doing that ever since. I skipped half my lunch break just so I could go and run around in the parking lot with all the snow swirling around. Then I came home and hung out with josh, als, pam, and josh hedder for a bit. i would like to go for a walk right now, but with everyone working and so on, it's hard to find anyone with the motivation to go for a nice night walk in the snow. hosers. It's not like half an hour of missed sleep is worse than missing a truly wonderful time of a snowy walk. they don't get it. Oh well. I plan to go for a good walk first thing in the morning. I also plan to take some photos of the snow. and maybe me and the snow. then (if I have time) I'll post them on here. ok?

You're on the road
But you've got no destination
You're in the mud
In the maze of the imagination

You love this town
Even if that doesn't ring true
You've been all over
And it's been all over you

It's a beautiful day
Sky falls, you feel like
It's a beautiful day
Don't let it get away

hahaha. I'm diggin that song for the moment. outers.

A new post. After a long time.

it hasn't really been that long. It feels like longer. ahhhh. why is no one on AIM? Come on. hahahaahahahaha.
I've wanted to post, but have been a little short on time. same thing going down today.......

my brain really isn't working right now. everything I'm thinking just kinda appears for a second, the blurs. I can't think of anything to write. aaah. oh well. ask me some interesting, then I'll answer all the questions in a new post tonight after work.

sorry. i know it's lame. I can't rattle off nice long posts every time like dams.