Tuesday, December 13, 2005


What am I doing sitting with a laptop on my lap right now? I really should sleep. But I have a bunch of stuff I need to do before I can go to sleep. So why don't I go do my stuff? I don't know. I guess it's because there's a laptop on my lap and because I'm typing. Dumb. I'm going to do something else. If anyone actually reads this before they comment, for your first comment, include some random thought about christmas, or a christmas memory or something like that. I like christmas. I'm going to have a new christmas memory this year because I'm getting my wisdom teeth out two or three days before. Fun. One year I was sick on Christmas day, and stayed in bed all day. And when I was ten I used to wake up at about five on the morning of. and one year we got snowed in. there was about three feet of snow. (that's a lot for Vancouver) We couldn't drive anywhere for a few days.

I want a robotic pet that I can turn off when I get tired of it. hahahaha. not for chrismas. just in general.



Anonymous said...

i love christmas... my favorite part is waking up early in the morning... the one day of the year when its impossible for me to be nocturnal... i'm always up by 5:30am.
i like the food and the family and the magic of the snow on the ground...

Brittany said...

HA! I am always the last one up. Trying to get 12 people out of bed and dressed takes a while so I am never in any rush.

Anonymous said...

I am always in a rush. Except when I'm not in a rush.

overthinker said...

sleep is highly overrated, whatever it is...

today, my mom said i was "perpetual". i think she ment "impetuos", but it worked.
actually i am trying to not be so impatient, so i dont get stuck behind the slowpoke on i-4 anymore....

Anonymous said...

I like Christmas, Though I am not the first up. My brother Aaron always wakes me up at like 5:30.
Right now I am supposed to be gettin' some cleaning done for our care group Christmas party. better go and get it done now.

Anonymous said...

I've been waitin' for someone to comment since i commented last but nobody has yet, so i have decided to comment again. my comment is not really a comment i was just gettin' impatient and have nothin' to do. I am listening to Vertigo right now or was a second ago but now it is over so i will listen to Stars - "Then i look at the Staaars!" Notice on my name that it says jeremiah the ex-bullfrog, that is because jeremiah WAS a bullfrog. that is very important to note.

Brittany said...

Hmm. I am always in a rush too. I sleep until about 10-15 minutes before I have to leave and then jump up and get ready really fast.

Anonymous said...

That was a good comment jeremy. So random. I don't know why you think that you were a bullfrog.