Monday, December 05, 2005

back in the day....

I just wrote a really long post and now have just gone and deleted it. I wasn't feeling it. I wasn't even thinking while I was typing, so I don't even recall much of what I wrote. It's too bad I have nothing interesting to say. I did not go skydiving today, nor did I fight a grizzly bear. I didn't invent a world altering new energy source, nor did I write a best selling book. I didn't make any knew friends, I didn't almost die at work (not that I would have wanted to or anything like that), I didn't get promoted, I haven't dunked yet, I haven't gone to that crepe place downtown lately, I haven't gone to White Rock lately, I don't have any great thoughts filling up my head, I don't even have anything left to add to this major run-on sentence. hahahaha. I'm not grumbling. God is good. And I wouldn't necessarily even want to do any of those things which I listed there, they were just the things that I could think of that I didn't do, thus making this post less interesting and harder to write. It's definitely harder to write when you have no ideas. But I'll keep limping along and see what comes......

Beavers are scary. don't make the mistake of thinking they're cute. that's what they want you to think.

Muffins are really good. but they make me feel gross. like when I eat McDonalds.

Why do cafeterias serve such nasty things?

Why did marty call me chris martin on sunday?

What in the world is "The importance of being Earnest'?

Wow those little gel mint thingys that josh spoke of on his blog were good. He's lucky he hid them. I would have ate them all in on bite.

AAAAAAAHH> I'm hungry but I can't eat until probably 8:30AM tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have a lot of rubber bands on my wrists right now.

Three pink, two brown, and one fat yellow one.

I like rubber bands.

Hence the name of this blog.

But THE rubber bands have long been decomposing.

Can rubber decompose?

Doesn't rubber come from rubber trees?

If it does, then why couldn't it decompose?

Maybe it just takes a long time.

I am feeling very thankful that God made heat.

What if there was only cold.

And if we were used to it.

But we didn't even know what heat was.

Guitar is so much better than piano. Sorry jake whoever-you-are-oh-yeah-phillips.

But I very much appreciate piano.

Second to guitar I would place it, and I don't even play.

I used to play flute.

Josh used to laugh at me.

Other people used to laugh at me.

I like how flutes sound.

Remember about the beavers. Don't trust them whatever you do. They have their long, sharp rodent teeth that'll rip you to shreds. Yes, they're really vicious.

La soleil monte au-dessus de la mer, et je souhaite pourrais la voir.


That's how bilbo tries to end an increasingly unpleasant conversation with gandalf at the beginning of "the hobbit'. If you've read the book you'll know it didn't work. hahaha.



MrsRoper said...

haha... that was rather random Joe... Christmas is coming... only like 20 days!! couldn't be more excited!! lovely post... made much sense and was kinda the process of my thoughts tonight too... crazy isn't it?? night.

Anonymous said...

the importance of being earnest is actually kind of funny you should watch it...88 keys > 6 strings...later.

Brittany said...

Hahah. I can picture you playing the flute. Only I am not one to talk because if I tried playing it, I would probably faint from lack of oxygen.:-)

joel sczebel said...

Yes jake? is that so? well lets see here......6 strings, 21 frets, oh that makes 126 positions in which to play. Not including the vast amounts of combinations that can be used. hahahaha. I really don't care though. For the sake of not offending a staunch pianist, I'll concede that the piano is better, but I personally prefer the guitar only because I play, and thus I feel the instrument more, and better appreciate it's sounds perhaps than one who does not.

I like writing like I'm being really serious when I'm not.

Anonymous said...

well, i still refuse to be afraid of beavers. i think guitar is better. not to diss piano, which is quite lovely. but i am not joining that argument.

" 'Good morning! said Bilbo, and he meant it. But Gandalf looked at him...'What do you mean? Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?'
'All of them at once, said Bilbo...(long conversation here)
'Good morning!' Bilbo said at last. "We don't want any adventures here, thank you! You might try over The Hill or across The Water.' By this he meant the conversation was at an end.
'What a lot of things you do use Good morning for!' said Gandalf. 'Now you mean that you want to get rid of me, adn that it won't be good till I move off.' "

overthinker said...

oh my lanta!! the irish don't just plant potatoes!!


(insided jokeish)

joel sczebel said...

Good thing too. They'd be a boring people to be so interested in if that was all they did. Thanks for clearing up that hobbit point for those who haven't read the book since I was too lazy to actually write it down like that.

Anonymous said...

Joe, we should watch "the importance of being earnest" this week!!

Anonymous said...

Did I tell you that I was taking my brother to see "the importance of being earnest" yesterday? (His school performed the play.) Because if I didn't tell you, it is really weird that you mention it. Wow. Strange. Anyway, yesh rubber bands pretty much rock. I agree.

Anonymous said...

Did I tell you that I was taking my brother to see "the importance of being earnest" yesterday? (His school performed the play.) Because if I didn't tell you, it is really weird that you mention it. Wow. Strange. Anyway, yesh rubber bands pretty much rock. I agree.

Anonymous said...

Did I tell you that I was taking my brother to see "the importance of being earnest" yesterday? (His school performed the play.) Because if I didn't tell you, it is really weird that you mention it. Wow. Strange. Anyway, yesh rubber bands pretty much rock. I agree.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


People have been doing that a lot lately.

Anonymous said...

21 frets eh? the problem is you could say that and I would never know if you were lying or not :-)...yes I love how we can not even know each other and have lively debates about instruments. Pretty awesome. And I have on five rubber bands right now...a livestrong, a live the commission, a Baller and a 1 Cor 515 and a normal rubber band...rubber bands are awesome.

Brittany said...

I should wear my live the commission band. I haven't worn it at all since I've been back.

Anonymous said...

josh didnt mention mints...

Anonymous said...

yes he did

Brittany said...

At our house you have to be an expert at hiding food if you want to get any.

Anonymous said...

I have two packs of tic tacs in my pocket at this very moment.

Anonymous said...

No way

Delian said...

flutes are really cool... I'm being random and it's 12:30 am, so I should probably go to bed. haha.