Thursday, December 01, 2005


Snow is nice. It makes the night seem brighter. I think it has something to do with the light reflecting off the white snow. ]]
"..........(drumroll).....It's a beautiful daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, don't let it get away"- I like that song. I especially like playing it on guitar and strumming way too hard and breaking strings while I play it. fun. haha. Today has been a beautiful day. Sunny until it got dark at 4:00, then it started snowing, and has been doing that ever since. I skipped half my lunch break just so I could go and run around in the parking lot with all the snow swirling around. Then I came home and hung out with josh, als, pam, and josh hedder for a bit. i would like to go for a walk right now, but with everyone working and so on, it's hard to find anyone with the motivation to go for a nice night walk in the snow. hosers. It's not like half an hour of missed sleep is worse than missing a truly wonderful time of a snowy walk. they don't get it. Oh well. I plan to go for a good walk first thing in the morning. I also plan to take some photos of the snow. and maybe me and the snow. then (if I have time) I'll post them on here. ok?

You're on the road
But you've got no destination
You're in the mud
In the maze of the imagination

You love this town
Even if that doesn't ring true
You've been all over
And it's been all over you

It's a beautiful day
Sky falls, you feel like
It's a beautiful day
Don't let it get away

hahaha. I'm diggin that song for the moment. outers.


MrsRoper said...

i so would have walked in the snow... not like i have anything better to do... haha!

MrsRoper said...

hey, you posted at 11:11 again... haha...

Brittany said...

I read the whole thing! Woohoo. However, I am so lazy that I would never get out of bed early just to go walk in the snow.

Anonymous said...

That's sad. A walk in the snow is worth a little lost sleep.

overthinker said...

i would. just yesterday i dragged my mom out and we walked up "my" hill to see "my woods". cause they've developped that hill and i had to make sure my woods were still there. they were, and it felt like fall. except now it's winter. hahahaha.
guess i like walks too. except i mostly go by myself.