Saturday, December 10, 2005

good times at Festevus.

Festevus was a blast. Good food, good people, and really bad kareoke (two things here. I have no idea if that's how it's spelt, and I really don't know that it is possible for kareoke to be good so....). There were also games, prizes, and a really corny movie made by a couple of hosers who happen to be extremely random.

Yikes it's late. better head for dreamland, because 8;00's gonna come fast.

by the way, if anyone had absolutely no idea what Festevus is, it's our C4 Christmas party. There. Fairly easily explained.
it was supposed to be "quasi-formal" and was random from start to finish. That made it a big hit with me. Josh managed to find himself a black velvet blazer from some thrift store for the occasion, but I had to make do with a mohawk. In fact that gel-glue stuff pam told me to use is still going strong, and I doubt that I'll get my hair down for a week. hahahaha.

out. sleep. and for old times sake, look at the stars.


Anonymous said...

the velvet blazer was in the girls section...

MrsRoper said...

and your hair will wash out nicely... hahaha! sooo much fun... best time i've had in a while.

Fantabulous Festevus!

Anonymous said...

we need to see a photo of the hair.