Friday, December 02, 2005

snow, hills, tigers, forests, and mountains.

I was going to take some pictures in the snow today. Instead I took sam out in the snow. The snow stopped, but then started again, and was lightly falling all the time we were out. First we climbed this big hill, the we hunted this huge tiger in the woods. We followed the tracks forever, but as soon as we got close we kinda got stuck in a little stream. sam was running across and got stuck then I had to save him. his foot was stuck, so I got it out. hjahahahaha.. not like I really saved him. I just felt like saying that. hahaha. what a hoser. I am. So then we kept going, found that the trail we were following had a dead end, then we had to back track back to this open field in the middle of the woods. So basically after about two hours of running around and getting lost in the woods, we got back out, climbed this other hill (which sam called a mountain) and then came home. Now I've got to go soon. oh well. haha. such a funny morning. and for any of you who didn't already catch it, the tiger was imaginary. So we were hunting an imaginary thing and getting lost and tired for two hours.


Anonymous said...


Ok, I haven't actually read it yet. I didn't want someone to comment while I was reading. Hahahaheeheeheejajaja!!!!

I'm going to read it now...

Anonymous said...

Ok I read it. Haha. Yesh, it does sound like a funny morning!

MrsRoper said...

wow... sounds like you boys had quite the adventure!!!

Anonymous said...

sounds like fun. hunting imaginary tigers...don't think i've ever done that one. at least not in snow. speaking of which, it snowed here today.

Anonymous said...

ok, so that was wishful thinking. sorry i lied haha.

Brittany said...

I've hunted tigers before. Well, ok maybe not but it was a part of the feline family! It was actually just a

Anonymous said...

yesh it was nice.

Brittany said...

Sounds much more exciting than anything we do here. Well, not exactly. Just a different type of exciting.

Anonymous said...

It was certainly exciting.