Thursday, March 23, 2006

A day in the life of a rhetorical question about whether or not flying squirrels really fly.

In case you were wondering (and if you read it I presume you are) the title has nothing to do with this post. and thank goodness too, because it would take me a year to write something that made sense about that.

Today my father and I went snowboarding/skiing.

I don't ski, he does.

He doesn't fall, I do.

I think I fell about ten times all day ( ok I'm minimizing it a bit-maybe twenty ) which was good for me considering that last time I fell about two hundred times. But he didn't fall once. Crazy.

I took a bunch of jumps and proceeded to have a full serving of snow up my nose, but I landed a few and was so stoked (I'm using snowboarder language because I feel like one right now) that I would fall about a hundred feet from where I landed, get another nose full of snow, then jump up with a rather large smile on my face and want to go back and do it again.

now i'm sore and tired.

and my arms feel really weak and floppy.

I don't know why.


Brittany said...

My legs are sore but probably for a much less impressive reason.

Anonymous said...

my feet are sore... and i spilt coffee all over my arm today... sad day for me... but i got paid, so i was happy!
glad you had fun boarding joe!

Anonymous said...

sounds like fun times on a board. (hahahahaha ok so i'm lame...)

heard ya'll took stephen snowboarding twice. last night at deluge he came up to the sutters and i and was bragging about his trip. it was so mean. (as in he was dancing around and teasing us about how much it snowed and how the sczebels rock, etc). no lie he really was bobbing around like a kid on lots of sugar. it was so funny.

not sure why i'm saying all this. i can't seem to shut up when i'm low on sleep..

Anonymous said...

That's ok, I'm lacking sleep too, but it makes me talk less for some reason.

amazed said...

I guess that's why you seemed so quiet when I met you. You must have been low on sleep.

Brittany said...

I think he was low on sleep for the whole Mission trip.

Anonymous said...

Ooooooh. I smell a burn.
So quick.

I have nothing to say about when you floridians were here, but I was definitely very low on sleep on the El Paso trip. I was only sleeping between four and five hours a night.