Thursday, March 09, 2006

a new blogging name.

I found an icelandic name for myself.

Bjorn Patsson.

I have no idea what it means though.

It's funny how they do the names in Iceland. Like my last name would be Patsson because I'm Bjorn, Pat's son. then if I had a kid named Eustace, he would be Eustace Bjornsson. Hahahahahaha.

good fu.n.

One other funny thing I found-

sigurour is the most popular name for boys in Iceland, and the second most popular name for girls.

it would be really weird if people named their kids after themselves.

Sigur Sigursson.

Sounds like an Icelandic super hero.


Anonymous said...

Girls and boys all named the same would get slightly confusing.

amazed said...

There are boys and girls in America that have the same name though.

Anonymous said...

indeed... haha funny post joe.

Delian said...

good post! Good to see you're able to write soemthing so witty ;)

overthinker said...

that's funny. i actually read abaout it in a book. only it wasn't about icelenad. some other place. can't remember where.

my bro would be Brianson...haha. not sure what he'd think of that..

what about girls? what are their last names? we can't be 'sons'...

Delian said...

haha... true dat!! We cannot be sons lol.

Anonymous said...


true it is.

Anonymous said...

And I wasn't really trying to write a witty post, it's just that I thought that was funny. now if I had made it up then perhaps I would merit the title of "funny", but I can't even claim that because the Saxons did that in the days of yore.

MrsRoper said...

Saxons in the days of yore?? joe i know it probably means something... but right now all my brain is telling me is that it sounds ridiculous!! hahahahaha!
...Twas a very long day...

Delian said...

So wait... did you already finish hockey? Did you actually play hockey? And if so how did you do? Or am I just totally losing it?

Anonymous said...

I didn't play serious hockey. Just fun hockey that can be mildly serious.

Delian said...

so like on a team and in a league...?

Anonymous said...

not like on a team or in a league.

Brittany said...

Is it snowing there?

overthinker said...

trua is iclandic for believe. it's the name of a whale. i learned it yesterday and it made me think of you crazy kid.

looong story. ask jessica dunlop!

briansdotter. ouch.