Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Sick. the word says it all.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

This is amazing. Watch the video. You'll be encouraged.

Alpine Adventure.

Today steven and I courageously faced hordes of angry drivers and drove to cyprus mountain. we went snow shoeing....without snowshoes. We were exploring in the name of exploration. It was cold. We were unprepared. We had touques and big coats, but no gloves or or snow pants or boots. Personally I was sporting some converse and jeans. After doing some spin-outs in the parking lot we headed for the woods. We struggled to the top of a hill, up to our waists in fresh powder. It was so cold. SO COLD. After we reached the top of the very steep hill, we trudged around the woods for a bit and then went back to the hill and i tried to start a small avalanche by jumping and rolling down it.... it didn't work. then we drove home.
It is snowing. RIGHT NOW!

Friday, November 24, 2006

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Yesterday I was thinking of an away message for my gchat. I had the songs from the wizard of oz stuck in my head all morning, so I decided to (in a minute and a half or less) write an aussie punk song about the wizard of oz.

I think there might be wicked witches,
Somewhere over the rainbow,
oooooh yeaaaaaaaaaaaah,
And metal men, and talking lions,
that chill with scarecrows,

Oh somewhere over the rainbow,
somewhere over the rainbow,
someday, oh somedaaaaay,
I wanna go,


You gotta fight the flying monkeys,
Somewhere over the rainbow,
ooooooooh yeeeeeeaaaaaahhhm,
And the little guys who say they're wizards,
Really they're just trying to get rid of you,
Oh yeeeeeeeeeeeeahhhhhh,

Oh somewhere over the rainbow,
somewhere over the rainbow,
someday, oh somedaaaaay,
I wanna go,


hahahahaha. that's the non-serious section of my post. here's the more serious side. i'm trying to re-train myself to be writing deeper lyrics again. For quite a while I was really into getting good melodies for my songs and I barely cared about the lyrics. I'm trying to correct that, and write more thoughtfully. this isn't really a song, I never put a melody to it, it's more like a prayer. I sort of like it.

take my heart lord jesus,
take it and reign supreme,
strengthen my weak affections,
and point them, lord, to thee,
oh guide my faltering footsteps,
till faith has gained it's sight,
and in the morning's glory,
I will see you, jesus, my delight,

Monday, November 20, 2006

planning a big post on creativity.
i need to organize my thoughts better, so right now isn't the time to do it.
for now, anyone who thinks that they are creative watch this video and be humbled....

Sunday, November 19, 2006


"if I were the king, of the foresssssssst! I'd ough, and I'd raough, and I'd rouhahahahahaha!!!!!"

preparing myself for much laughter.

P.S> I'll come to texas ricky. one day../

Thursday, November 16, 2006

First picture: me (please don't bug me about the self portraits.... josh does far more of them.)
Second picture: my desk at work. the ugly computer soon to be replaced by a gleaming 20inch iMac.

Life is really interesting for those who pay attention. Most people don't. I don't most of the time. Thus I will write on this short, lame post (except for the pictures) that nothing interesting has happened to me recently, which is a lie because interesting things have happened to me, but I haven't noticed them. Unfortunately. I'll be working on that. out.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

I just got the cable for the camera. Finally I can actually put some pictures on.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

My favorite time of year....

But just so I don't confuse anyone, I didn't take that picture today. Or even this past year or the one before it....wait....maybe the one before. haha. it's raining constantly here. flooded streets.... some guy out in the country caught a salmon that was swimming up his street.

oh. wait. blow up the picture by clicking on it. it looks better and you can see the snow better.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

I just went and bought a sweater from the gap.

it's green.

that is the most interesting thing that happened all day.

Monday, November 06, 2006

no time to post.
I'm such a dumb blogger
a dumb, dumb blogger
I don't use time when i have it
and i try to post when i don't have any.


Thursday, November 02, 2006

I didn't sleep last night. There were such long periods of exporting and rendering and such that I watched Saving Private Ryan (for creative inspiration, and because it's a long movie...), cleaned my room, posted on my blog, checked and replied to emails, did some reading some praying, some writing, and some quiet guitar playing until 4:00 am. After four, all the exporting was done and I started working hard on the DVDs. They're still not done, but almost. It was a long night. A long day. Now I'm going to work in a little bit. AH. I need to sleep tonight. Definitely.

BUT....I discovered something really helpful yesterday. Those little starbucks drinks that they sell in jars are good. and they're cheap. they taste like melted ice capps. So I'm going to stock up on a bunch of those and just chug 'em throughout the day.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I'm sitting here at 11:02 pm with another all-nighter looming in front of me and I want to think that this is a very bad thing. I want to say that it really stinks that there is some unknown error in my file that I've tried to export several times without success. I want to believe that it's bad luck that when I went to clear some disk space I happened to delete several files from the movie, and because of that I have to re-capture much of it and do a little extra editing. I really want to. I really, REALLY, want to say "bad luck, this stinks, I'm mad". But somehow I can't, and that's a really good thing. First of all, when compared with what I deserve, I'm really doing well.... no little man dressed in red poking at me through the flames with a pitch fork.... and acceptance and fellowship and a relationship with the eternal God, and not eternal separation from Him. That's one reason to be glad in spite of my predicament. And secondly, i know that He is working all things for my good and His Glory. He knows what the issue is, and the fact is that what might seem like an extremely fruitless waste of time to me, is actually a test, and an opportunity for me to grow in Godliness for His glory. I'm really grateful that He showed me that.