just got back a little earlier tonight from the studio in kamloops. we finished the final vocals, and now all that remains is editing, mixing and mastering. the dog in the picture is charles. he's not my dog. i don't even really like dogs, but i like charles. he's really dumb and happy.
and on a more serious note...
one of my favorite hymns.
thy way, not mine O Lord
however dark it be
lead me by Thine own hand
choose out the path for me
smooth let it be or rough
it will still be the best
winding or straight it leads
right onward to Thy rest
Lord take my cup and it
with joy or sorrow fill
as best to Thee may seem
Lord choose my good and ill
not mine, not mine the choice
in all things great and small
be Thou my guide, my strength
my wisdom and my all
-horatius bonar
i was thinking about this hymn, and it reminded me of Ecclesiastes 3:11 which says "He has made everything beautiful in it's time," and i was thinking about the way that God leads us, sinners with nothing good or beautiful in us, choosing roads that we wouldn't choose to take, sending trials that we wouldn't choose to face, and through it all shaping us into something that reflects His glory. i want to write a song about that now, but it's a bit too late. i need some sleep.
Great post!!
I like the hymn! =D.
Dumb and happy... I always wondered why people like me... hahaha, jst jk.
good post joe. Isnt Charles Sean's dog?
ooohhh I got first comment =D.
yeah, charles belongs to steve.
thanks for sharing the hymn.
good post joseph.
or joel.
or cork.
when people sign as "me" it causes a serious dilemma in my mind: a person may well refer to themselves as "me" but when when they put it into print for other people to read, there is a dilemma because to me (as in myself) the person who signed as me isn't a me and in fact either a he or she or you or _______ (insert name)....
actually i don't think all of that, i just felt like going off on a long monologue. But the monologue wasn't pointless, and as the owner of the blog i'd like to ask people to avoid being anonymous unless you have some kind of allergy to having your name in print./
that would be a terrible allergy.
i don't refer to myself as "me" but i often refer to myself in the third person.
oh als.
good old charles...he's a little crazy
I shall leave a commetn though there is clearly nothing to comment on... unless i wanted to inform everyone that I do not do the 'me' thing, which I have done, but not on here cause there isn't any inside jokes to elt you know it was actually me. But I don't want to.
I think this is comment 10. Chipper Jones number is 10!
charles isn't just a little crazy. he's completely insane...
but he just loves everybody. he doesn't care who you are. he wouldn't be a good guard dog. he'd just wag his tail and look up at them with his dumb/happy eyes.
charles was nice, a but insane. he was scratching the baby gate when i was over, and it sounded like the house was going to fall down.
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