Saturday, March 25, 2006


that's the type of fone we have, and it's sitting right beside me right now.
I almost feel like writing a song about the phone just being there on the counter, not ringing or doing anything interesting...but I'm not going to.

I feel like finally I've caught up on sleep and recovered from snowboarding. It's a good feeling. haha. it's been a couple days of pain from the snowboarding, and a few weeks of sleep depravation, so it really does feel nice to be back to having some enerG. (that was lame, but it was a bit of a joke on the EmergenC that we had in el paso (which was supposed to make you healthy, but I was sick the whole time I was there.).).

Hmm.... I don't particularly know what else to write.

Ah yes, I have to find some kind of career and go to school for it, or else things aren't going to be very cool..
Here are some of the suggestions I've had so far:

Architect (crazy amount of schooling involved)
Mechanical Engineer (??)
Teacher (I would be bored way too fast)
Lawyer (I do happen to be good at arguing a point, but there's tons of school, and paperwork involved there too.)Jack Bauer's replacement on 24 (I think this one has the most going for it)
Forensic Scientist (gross I would think)
Flight Attendant (HAHAHAHA!!! actually I just made that one up for a good laugh...for myself.)
Rock Star (errrrr...."it's like this....RAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHH.......and then raise your Goblet of Rock")
Film Director (most likely won't happen)

As you see, I'm in the doghouse so to speak.
More suggestions are always welcome.


amazed said...

Hmmmmm...I don't know you that well so I don't think any of my suggestions would be beneficial.

Anonymous said...

yeah, that's understandable.

Brittany said...

I like the flight attendant:=) I just saw "Flight Plan."

Anonymous said...

I didn't really love that movie.
I kind of think they overdid the plot.
Sorry, the FA thing won't go down.

Anonymous said...

how about a mountie(however it is spelt)????

Aly Sczebel said...

joe you should be jack.... you like guns. jack has some flippin sweet guns!

MrsRoper said...

i must agree. you should be jack! it just seems to fit, and just imagine the artillery you could play with!! hahaha! fabulous!!! (*grins and cackles*) hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Delian said...

Hey now, I liked Flight Plan and I thought it was incredibly interesting.

As for suggestions, I say you find the cure for cancer and become famous, give me your autograph, then I get lots of money which I need ;). But on second thought, that's a TON of school.

How about a massage therapist? Six months of school and it's a done deal.

Then again, you could just be a rock star, if you join Jared Blake's band hahaha

Anonymous said...


Either Jack or a Rock Star.

Or else something realistic.....

Brittany said...

Do you want a blue collar or white collar job?

Anonymous said...

hhhmmm. i think replacing jack sounds like the funnest things ever.

as for suggestions...well, you could always be a "proffessional driver on a closed course" (people who get to drive cool cars really fast on car commercials); an air force test pilot; a photojournalist (the ones who get to travel all the time); a stunt guy...

i guess none of that's very realistic, is it. so you should just replace jack...

Brittany said...

You could be a stunt man or whatever they are called.

Anonymous said...

not so shure about that.