Friday, May 05, 2006

I went to physiotherapy yesterday....they moved my foot. It was painful.
Because the splint that it was stuck in for 3 weeks had my foot pointed down, and not at a right angle with the ground, my foot was so stuck in that position that they couldn't push it to a right angle. It was crazy. But now with the crutches I can put put a tiny bit of weight on it. Well at least I could yesterday. Today it's so sore that I can't do very much. Hopefully I'll be able to walk by the time NA comes, but it's possible I might still need one crutch.

I'll try to do a good deep post later.


Anonymous said...

first again.

well, it sounds like you're making some progress. physiotherapy, eh? is that what everyone in canada calls physical therapy? or do you just like the tech name for it?

Delian said...

oh man, that just sounds painful.

joel sczebel said...

no. that's what we call it.
or just physio.

MrsRoper said...

yay for being able to walk!

joel sczebel said...

Finally woke up pam?


joel sczebel said...

Finally woke up pam?


joel sczebel said...

Finally woke up pam?


Delian said...

whats with leaving yourself three of the same comment? jst jk ;)

joel sczebel said...

I just wanted more comments.

Delian said...
