Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Oh my. If I didn't know it before I know it now.

A story to start things off here.

So last night I went to guitar lessons. I learned a few songs, chatted with my teach, and rebooked for next year. Then I left.
That's the boring part of the story. here's the good part.
So I walked outside and I'm walking to the Festiva and I do the customary (for me at least) smack on the leg to see what pocket the keys are in. not in the left. . . . . . not in the right......not in the back!!!!!!!! Hmmmmm..... I'm not one to quickly panic so I assured myself that I stuck them in the pocket of my guitar case. I continued to walk and try to retrace what I did when I got out of the car...... I remembered grabbing my guitar......and locking the door..... funny, I didn't remember sticking the keys in my case....... dang. they were still in the car. I cautiously approached hoping by some chance that they were sitting on the roof. No luck. they were in the car all right, and still in the ignition. And all the doors were locked. and the trunk was locked. and it was starting to lightly rain and get dark. no worries I thought, and again performed the customary leg smack to see which pocket my cell phone was in......smack......not in the left pocket......smack......not in the right.......smack...smack......not in the back. Dang. then it came back. Josh needed a phone number off it just as I left home. Things seemed pretty bad, but I decided that only snow or a thunder storm could make them worse, and snow is not likely in vancouver in february let alone june, so that wasn't very likely, and vancouver rain is typically just a light steady drizzle, so I didn't really have to worry about that....BANG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or maybe I did. Thunder doesn't bother me. Neither does lightning. But the kind of rain that can get you soaked within minutes does. Especially when there really isn't an easy way to get out of it. At this point some people would get mad, and that's exactly I did. My more sanctified side was saying "God is sovereign Joe, it's all right." and the other side was thinking " I know God is sovereign, but why do I have to be such an idiot to fall for such an easy one." Somehow in my fallen brain ( this is really bad, but I'm just telling the truth) I pictured God chuckling up there saying "hee hee hee, I got you good."

I decided that there was nothing to be done but find a phone and call home. To avoid getting my guitar case wet I shoved it under the car and walked a few hundred feet down the street to where i saw a parked car with someone in it. I asked them if I could borrow a cell phone, and they graciously allowed me, and thankfully josh answered the phone, and told me someone would come.

So I walked back to the car with a bit of a different point of view, and laid down on the wet grass and waited for someone to come. It was weird that as I sat there it all suddenly became very funny, and I laughed at the whole thing.

that was long-winded.

and because I've been liking to post songs of late, here's another good one.

telecast) (building a sorrowful loveliness

When the morning breaks
When the evening fails
I will write Your word upon my heart, oh Lord
When the fires burn
When the rain comes down
I can feel Your grace flow through me
Without a sound

Nothing is certain, but I'm certain of You
Pull back this curtain, let Your light in this room
And all that's true, I find in You
The more I drink of Your word
The more I thirst for You

When the world dissolves
And the sun just flickers out
I will write Your word upon my heart, oh Lord
When the stars crash down
At the end of the age
I can feel Your touch
As You wipe my tears away

Building a sorrowful loveliness
Out of the darkness
Out of this furnace
I find You

I have no idea what they mean by that last part, but the rest is pretty good.


overthinker said...

hahahaha. wow.
alright, i may seem really mean to be laughing hysterically, but i just did that in may. so i'm laughing from experiance. only it wasn't raining, it was pouring sun-heat. and i had metro to sit in for awhile. i was much better off.

i got soaking wet in rain last night too. only i had some homeless people to keep me company, and keys in my hand. not that i could use them, but hey at least i had them...

Delian said...

good story... nicish song ;)

joel sczebel said...

It is a nice song.

Anonymous said...

wow. that sounds like Dami's happenings of late. cool song. only i read just the first part and the last. *sheepish grin*

Anonymous said...

Sounds like something you would do......................:-( Actually, I have almost done that many times.

Delian said...


joel sczebel said...


Anonymous said...


joel sczebel said...


Aly Sczebel said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Joe, don't feel bad. I honestly can't remember how many times I've done that. It's been quite a while, but your dad rescued me a lot. Did you know that you can use a long flat screwdriver and push it into the handle on '80s Fords and it will unlock the door? I also did it in Hinton on the way back from Edmonton alone. For those of you who don't know where I'm talking about it was a 10 hour drive and this was about 2 or 3 hours in.