Saturday, July 15, 2006


I return home with shame.
This randomly planned saturday adventure had a mission, and we failed.

Basically this is what happened.

There's a rabbit epidemic in Richmond (about 30 minutes away). Not regular wild rabbits, but fat black rabbits that escaped from somebody's house and started a very, very large family, that now are semi-wild. I say semi-wild because even though they live wild, they aren't afraid of people and just sit on front lawns eating grass. Not to mention because they're fat they aren't very fast, so we went to Richmond today to catch a few and bring them back to our side of the river and start an epidemic over here.

we failed. we only found two. one black one and one white and tan one. then an old guy told us to leave them alone.

so we went to the airport and parked by the runway and filmed the planes landing. that was also a bit of a disappointment.

so we came home. now I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I'll think of something.


Delian said...

that was probably the strangest story I've ever heard... hahaha.

joel sczebel said...

It's not the strangest one I've heard.

overthinker said...

hahahaha. i wish my random adventures that failed, failed cause they were just boring. (well, sometimes they do)
mostly, it's a failure do to something bad happening, or speeding tickets, or such....

overthinker said...

ps and no i didn't die from my non-concussion.

joel sczebel said...

Yeah right. Your mother is probably posting as you.
It was probably your death wish that no one would know.