Wednesday, July 26, 2006

A Real Post.

Here's a better song then the last one. It's an old hymn I found. Can't figure out who wrote it.

Your love’s a refuge ever nigh,
Your watchfulness a mountain high,
Your Name a rock, which winds above,
And waves below can never move.

Your faithfulness forever sure,
Through endless ages will endure,
Your perfect work will ever prove,
The depths of Your unfailing love,

While all things change Thou changest not,
Forgetting never, though oft forgot,
Your love immutably the same,
Displays the glories of Your name,

I'm thinking of putting music to it since, for all I know, it has none.

I don't really have a lot to write. . . . .

At all. . . . .

but. . . . . .

I love that line in the third verse : While all things change thou changest not.

Isn't that crazy? He NEVER changes. Think of how many things we change. Clothes, jobs, oil, filters, minds, directions, and so on. Just think about how many things it's possible to change. It's crazy. According to some people overflowing with self-esteem it's even possible to change the world. But God doesn't. God could, but He doesn't. Ever. And He won't. Ever. His plan and His will are so perfect that with His will holding all things together, His plan never has any need to change. Before He created anything He planned the entire course of history in such a way as to bring Himself the most glory. He knew man would fall, He promised a Savior, He directed traffic in just the right way that when He sent His own Son to be our substitute, He fulfilled every prophecy that had been prophesied by prophets who spoke His words, and He crushed His son, that is Himself, to redeem fallen sinners deserving of wrath, that they might be made right with Him, and see Him face to face and forever find their joy in Him to the praise of His name.

three photographs.
One because I like the beach.
One because I like the clouds.
One because I like the greenness of the grass.



Anonymous said...

i wish my piano teacher gave me hymns like
i like our beaches better.
it doesn't look like you can get any serious waves on that.

joel sczebel said...

No. You can't.
Which is why I'm coming to FL in october.
Real waves are cool.

Anonymous said...

I want to live in a place called Hope.

joel sczebel said...

Not that one.
It's hickville.

overthinker said...

good post. as in what you wrote. that hymn sounds good. so how do you find this stuff?

hickville called hope? that's odd. i thought hickville's always had names like "gainsville" and "tavares" and "montverde". haha.

Anonymous said...

What coast are you going too??

Anonymous said...

real waves are VERY cool.

Brittany said...

I would like to live on the beach.

joel sczebel said...

I know not what coast.

joel sczebel said...

I find them in old hymn books.
You can usually find them at used book stores.

Anonymous said...

hahaha. i have problems with used book stores.

in NC we visted one just twice. and i came home with 9 books.
but i only spent $20...and only 3 were british...

Delian said...

Great post! Very thought provoking... hehe.

i luv the pictures, especially the one of the beach.

MrsRoper said...

good post joe.

Aly Sczebel said...

couple thoughts....

-the beach is fun. quite wonderful. i think God would have to hand me a bright pink florescent sign and a knock on the head to get me to move away from vancouver, although i joke alot.
- kamloops doesn't have very green grass, kinda more brown.
-hope is sketchy, except for the diner. haha.

-okay i am out of points..