Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The great dilemma.

I like coffee, sort of.....I don't absolutely adore the the taste, but I love the mental stimulation it be able to think clearly in the morning is well worth the price of a white chocolate mocha. But here's the dilemma: Now I want that kind of alertness all day, so I want to drink multiple coffees. But there's no way I can afford multiple mochas so I'll either have to settle for the unthinkable (cheap coffee), or find some other option. Any ideas?

oh yeah almost forgot. I got my glasses today. maybe I'll get pictures....


Sean said...

wow, that is a great dilemma, ive got no good advice for you..haha

Josh Sczebel said...

i want to see them..

Anonymous said...

well I don't have a camera....

Anonymous said...

i love starbucks coffee. but it costs a fair bit.
okay, its early in the morning and the only alternative i can think of that can give you feel good day is like....drugs or something but i don't suggest you use that. please don't use those.
how about you just make your own coffee like from the tin or packet or whatever.

Anonymous said...

I want to see the glasses... haha.

my only advice would be to get a really good job.

Anonymous said...

my mum makes good, free coffee every morning. problem solved. for me. gues it doesn't help you too much. (actually it's not the best solution because my dad and i have to beat eachother to the leftovers)

you could try asking God for the grace of mental stimulation instead of a mocha. just a thought.

((hint: the more shots of espresso you get, the longer the effect. unless you're an idiot like me and have dulled yourself to the effect of caffine...haha))

Aly Sczebel said...

i sensed a touch of bitterness joe...

i like your glasses.