Saturday, January 21, 2006

I'd rather fly.

I tried to make wings. Not many years ago. Maybe two. For any Eteamers who happen to recall Marty's house where the barbecue and sundae night was held, you might remember a large shed in the corner of the backyard. I made wings. And I jumped off the shed. My feet began hurting soon afterwards. Never give up, I said, and attempted the feat a few more times. It was fun in a sort of painful way. I knew it would never work, but it was nice to now be able to say that I've tried. That must be why my knee is so gimped.

I think I'm going to resurrect the experiments on wireless electricity. I give up far too easily to ever create something good.



Delian said...

I always wanted to fly...

Anonymous said...

But did you ever try?

Anonymous said...

I was wondering what happened witht that experiment w/ wireless electricity.

Anonymous said...

Nothing. I got distracted. It'll come though. I just have to research some stuff then try some different options. The first attempt was unsuccessful.

Delian said...

um... that's for me to know... and for you never to find out... which is actually a lie because I'm about to tell you ;). Yes, I have tried... and I failed... or woke up from a dream, lol.