Thursday, January 12, 2006

A slight bit of creepishness.

I just finished watching the movie titled "The Others". Creepy. It was actually really well made, and the acting was great, and although I'm not a huge fan of creepy ghost movies, I thought this one was pretty good.

Well, another day tomorrow, another 5:20 morning, a Canucks game (and hopefully some pizza to go along with it) in the evening, then the weekend. I like the weekend. It makes me laugh to think that I should still be a student with half a year of school left, and tests, and exams, and homework to do. Another funny thing that I just thought of was that I think I learned more in grade 5 then I did in all of highschool. At least in terms of usefulness that is. In highschool they just repeat the things you already knew with small variations.

Dang! I have an fairly intense pain in my right leg right now. I don't really know what it is, it just came suddenly. Owww!!!! It feels like a muscle cramp except that it's not going away and it's running all the way down my leg. Actually it aches more than a muscle cramp. Cramps are more of a sharp pain that comes and goes quickly. This is more dull and achy.

oh well.

I'm going ot peels.


Brittany said...

I should have posted earlier. I was up at 3:50am your time.

Brittany said...

commented not really posted

Delian said...

Hahha... well let me know how the Canucks do ;).
And I am so sore from playing football yesterday! I feel like I did one hundred situps and 20 pushups! AAHH pain! lol. But it was good fun!

Anonymous said...

The Canucks start to play at 4:30 our time. 7:30 your time. They're playing in New Jersey.

Anonymous said...

Zero Zero. Early in the 3rd period.