Monday, November 28, 2005

Gueeeeeeeees What.

Snow. I love it. Perhaps it doesn't love me considering how infrequently it visits Vancouver. But tonight it's snowing here. ahhhhh. The smell of it that you can't really smell, the noise it makes as it falls that you can't really hear. wow. I just took a look out the window. it's falling really hard now. I was just thinking as i looked out that in a way the snow is kind of like life. Small incidents, accidents, joys, sorrows, victories, and defeats, that to look out at are utterly disorienting and confusing. it looks like chaos the way they swirl and twist, sometimes here, sometimes there, sometimes looking as if they will finally stop, but then coming down with even greater force. And in the midst of it there is very little that I can typically appreciate. In fact I might even be questioning why things must be so confusing, as I actually did to myself today, but then to look back after it stops, and see that that "disorganized, confusion" from my point of view, was actually God's sovereign plan, forming and shaping my life into something to bring Him greater glory.... then I just sit back and stay silent. perhaps that's the way I should be more often. Kinda like how it's easier to watch the bigger picture come together than the individual brush strokes. Because when I watch the brush strokes I wonder "why that colour?" or "why did that way?" when I don't see the vision for the final painting. It's better to wait I suppose. And speaking of waiting, I can't wait to go for a walk tomorrow morning.

Bon nuit mes amis.


Anonymous said...

Struggling with sleep. I want to sleep, but sleep doesn't want to do it's cool magic trick where it makes me close my eyes and open them again feeling refreshed and surprised to find that it is the morning.


a new song by a very tired joel sczebel

Anonymous said...


lots of snow nooooooooooow,

it just keeps falling dooooooooowwwn,

making it hard to sleeeeeeeeeeeep,

cos it's in my heaaaaaaaaad,

just like the name of my brother's blooooooog,

called in my headdddddddd,

break it down,

(a short celtic interlude)

Where can I go?
I just want to sleeeeeeeeeep.
I not see anything for a few hours,
and not think at alllllllllllll!!!!

It would be so nice,
just to sleep,

right now.

Anonymous said...


lots of snow nooooooooooow,

it just keeps falling dooooooooowwwn,

making it hard to sleeeeeeeeeeeep,

cos it's in my heaaaaaaaaad,

just like the name of my brother's blooooooog,

called in my headdddddddd,

break it down,

(a short celtic interlude)

Where can I go?
I just want to sleeeeeeeeeep.
I don't want to see anything for a few hours,
and not think at alllllllllllll!!!!

It would be so nice,
just to sleep,

right now.

Anonymous said...

No!!! I'm double posting again.
Ahh!!!!!! I just saw a guy in a white suit in the window.
gotta hide or none of you will hear from me until they let me out.

Ok. this is getting absurd. I am shutting the computer down so I can't keep doing this.

shutting down.......


Brittany said...


Brittany said...


Anonymous said...


i want it to stay till tomorrow! i come home tomorrow!!!!

i was a little disppointed in you joe. not one mention of being excited about going to pick up your little sis..... shame on you!

Anonymous said...

It'll probably be slush by then.
(blushing) oh yeah and i'm VERY excited about going to pick up my long lost sister from texas.

MrsRoper said...

i cannot believe you're home tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!! i'm sooooooooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!

overthinker said...

great post. especailly the reminder that we can't see the big picture. heaven is goign to be awesome, eh?

as far as your braggin' about the snow, well that was a little mean.
just kidding.

overthinker said...


Anonymous said...


I NEED SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I LOVE YO0U ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!

EVERYONE OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brittany said...

You didn't e-mail me at all while you were gone! But I am sure you were busy.

Anonymous said...

It's not my fault. I reminded her to e-mail you on Sunday.

Anonymous said...

very nice.very poetic.
i feel for for you,i got insomia too!!=)

Anonymous said...

uncle warfy?

was that you?

Brittany said...

You reminded her to e-mail me? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

nooooooooo.bettys bro