Sunday, November 27, 2005

Hoa haaahaaa.


it snowed for about twenty minutes this morning while we were doing set up at church. It was wet. More like slush falling from the sky, but it was still snow. Makes me want to go up to the mountains. now the sky has cleared and it is a mostly nice day.
church was good. seattle on wednesday. maybe jim butler tonight (a good preacher at a church an hour away).



Anonymous said...

i want to see snow! might be a pain to live in it; but i'd like to see it. the last time i saw snow was 7 years ago!

church was great here too. danny made all of us going west stand up and prayed for us.i almost cried. then people are like "oh it's so exciting" and you stand there thinking "ha! you're staying" and crying on the inside but outside you're like "oh yeah it is".haha

no really it is excititng...

Brittany said...

I know! I was sad to see you stand up! I mean I know that you're leaving but it hasn't sunk in yet.

Anonymous said...

When you say you're leaving you're just starting a new church, right? You're not moving out of town.

Brittany said...

Yeh, I know. It sounds bigger than it really is. It just means that I won't see her as much.

overthinker said...

yeah. hahahaha well acutally i live out of town. hard to explain to un-floridians. but metro is in casselberry on the east side of orlando. i live in clermont on the west side of orlando, in the "country". so we're an hour away.

so we arent' moving, but several people from the east side are.
does that make any sense?

Anonymous said...



I just felt like being contrary.

Brittany said...

It seems like less people are going than I thought. Will you still come to Deluge?