Tuesday, November 01, 2005


AAAAAAH!!!! I am so tired. Tired of being thought of as a Socialist, and tired of thinking excessively. Tired of cloudy days and stormy nights, tired of dumb holidays, tired of dumb movies, tired when I think of my fish who is now rejoicing in glory (if fish do that sort of thing). Tired of climbing mountains and falling back down them, tired of unknowingly bugging people I don't know, tired of lifting boxes and being thrown around by jacks. Tired of headaches and dizziness, tired of sore throats and sore necks. Tired of broken guitar strings, and gimpy tuners. Yeah. I'm tired. "I wanna go hooooooooooooooome." Thanks Bubbly. I don't know what home you were thinkin about there, but I know where mine is, and I can't wait to get there. I'm not discontent with life. It's so much better than it should be. But when you look straight at the sun it makes everything else look dark and grey, and dull.


Brittany said...

I was considering doing an ad curing depression but thought better of it. I'll be praying for you.

Anonymous said...

not depressed. not even close. but that's nice anyways.

Brittany said...

I know you're not depressed. I was kidding.

Anonymous said...

hahaha. well then. Ok. great. yeah. I'm not. at all.


I was trying to make that sound all awkward. Hahahaha
great. I knew you were joking.

Brittany said...

Oh good. Because I told somebody something the other day and I was totally joking but they thought I was really serious. Yeah,.....it was pretty funny.