Saturday, August 27, 2005

Belly Ball, Chips, Rubberized Paint, and Crepes

We played belly bally at tonight with the singles in our church. It was sweet fun. It is late, and I have to get up early tomorrow, so if you ask about it in the comment section, I'll fill you in. Then we went to Marty's house and ate Nachos, and now I feel sick. I hate Nachos. They always make me sick. Today we painted the Jeep's floor black with this rubberized paint. I got it all over my arm and now it won't come off, so I have a rubberized arm, and am sort of feeling like Luke Skywalker. Don't even ask why....
The crepes part was random, but thinking about it reminds me of the weedwacker, the car wash, and several other insane dance moves, then the city lights by the sea wall, and TUing over a bench, and Lorraine looking like she was dead. Good times.

Alrighty. OUT>><


Anonymous said...

That is the most random title ever.

Brittany said...

Yes, what is belly ball?

Anonymous said...

Did I really look like I was dead???

Anonymous said...

Completely dead. And then Dad threw on the brakes, and your head was just bouncing of the seat. HAHAHA
Then you woke up, and looked a bit high.

Belly Ball is like kickball, except that instead of just touching the bases, you have to dive on them. belly down. It is intense, and chaotic, and fun.

Brittany said...

Yes, Quiche, you really looked like you were dead. And you were acting pretty high when you woke up. That's ok though because you are the deepest sleeper that I know.