Monday, August 29, 2005

HMY airlines FRAGILE.

Why does the the grass grow, why do the tides flow, and what is it that makes the wind to blow?
Random. So random. I don't even know what that was.

I stayed up till 2:00 last night watching Pride and Prejudice. Dang. That is one long film. Five hours is too much all in a row like that. But I found it entertaining and occasionally funny, and I never even fell asleep.
Today I have to edit the ceremony of the wedding we filmed on Friday, so I might be online a lot today unless I have to go with Josh to drop of the Camera gear that we rented, or if I have to go to the hospital (but it's not like I would because I'm not sick or anything).HAHAHAHA that was really random to.........I'm such an idiot......hmmmmmm.....TU!!!!!!!Suspender walk!!!!!!!TU over a bench in Stanley Park in the middle of the night!!!!!!!TU on the sidewalk in Cloverdale causing everyone to laugh at me!!!!!!!hahahahahahahahaha I love random.

Hey landon, I'm not sure if you check my blog, but do you want to come over to our house today, then we can go from there and golf. I think we we should play Furry Creek, it is reight by the ocean, but it is about a hundred bucks a round so maybe not...

Did anybody get that book yet?????

I can't believe you people.
I'm in a happy mood.

Oh Stink.
I think that means something different to you.

OH WELL!!!!!


Anonymous said...

HMY airlines FRAGILE?
what does that mean? And where have you been hoser? Haven't talked to you in days.

Anonymous said...

Well someone, go on AIM sometime

Anonymous said...

gr8. who is someone?
Why can't everyone have one nickname and keep it? Lauren and I have kept ours... can't everyone keep theirs? It's so confusing.
And no, didn't get the book yet, but I will.

Anonymous said...

Good. I keep my (crossed out) name. I change what comes before it occasionally, but you always know that it's me.

Anonymous said...

Who is Starbuck?

Anonymous said...

I can't go on aim right now because it doesn't work. i'm trying to fix it though.

I'm a senior in high school, but I have been taking my classes at Valencia Community College since last year. I know, it's confusing.

Brittany said...

Starbuck is Bethany. And yes, Quiche, "happy" to me is slightly different than to Joe. Hee, hee, if only they knew what we were talking about.

Brittany said...

Joe, did you stay up until 2:00 in the morning watching "Pride and Prejudice" by yourself??? I saw the movie once with some friends but I don't know if I could sit through the whole thing again. I mean, it is good, it's just looooong.

Anonymous said...

I have P&P on dvd. I LOVE it! I would watch it all day long if I could.

Anonymous said...

good show mr.bennet! did you watch it with a blanket over your head again?

Anonymous said...

I did no such thing. "But don't despair, it'll soon pass, and perhaps sooner than it should."

And no, I watched it with Josh, my sister, and a cousin.
And who was I again....can't remember.

Anonymous said...

Ugh... that movie is terribly long.
I liked Sense and Sensibility... but P & P... ugh.
Now, the new one that was modernized is actually good... well, you guys shouldn't watch it, but the girls should. It was made by the same people who made "The Other Side of Heaven" (which was fantastic!).

Anonymous said...

No it wasn't

Brittany said...

Why are you calling yourself Fernando?