Friday, September 02, 2005


Ow. I have a headache again. I don't really think it ever went away last night, and now has been growing all day long. I helped some cousins move today. I also prayed for snow. But that's about it. I have a very dull life for the moment. Not for long thankfully, because I start to work next week, and then I'll have to get up at 4:30 in the morning, and toil all day (although whoever wrote ecclesiastes thought that it was all vanity), then get home at 3:30 in the afternoon, utterly exhausted with only enough energy to write a good sized post, then slip into slumber, dreaming about waking up at 4:30 the next day. Sounds fun. Well, maybe not, but I never heard that work was supposed to be. Oh i'm tired. And no one told me if you like to take walks at night. How is the weather where you live? Rain? It's raining here. But rain is good. I think that the Floridian's Pastor is here. We stole him for the weekend I guess.

Oh Stink, I left the car windows down and it's raining!!!!!!!! The poor Festiva!!!!!!

HAHAHAHAHAHA. Joke. I wish I could go walking right now. I don't think I've had one interesting thought all day. Does anyone else like to think? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Such a large laugh. I don't know what I'm doing tomorrow, but I hope it doesn't involve headaches, or falling down the stairs.


I love the stars,

"And how could such a thing,
shine it's light on me,
and make everything,
beautiful again."

Thanks Dave.


Anonymous said...

now everyone is saying 'oh stink'


Anonymous said...

Who are you and why are you commenting so late?

Anonymous said...

oh stink
hee hee hee
yes, i like taking walks at night.

Anonymous said...

So do I.

Anonymous said...

What does your job involve that you have to get up at 4:30 in the morning for? Yes, I like the stars too.