Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Life in Reversed Reverse.

I wanted to tell you all that Dixlexic Betty has her own blog now, it is http//:tealsharpie.blogspot.com. Go check it out. She promoted it on my blog yesterday, I think, but at a bad time, so I don't think anyone else saw.

Do you ever get the feeling that you need to get out? I just did. For the last two days all I've done is work, come home from work, post on a few blogs, hang around the house for an hour or so, edit, sleep, then start the whole thing over again. I'm not discontent, I just find that it is a rather strange change from what I'm used to. I want to invent wireless electricity, but I have no time, I wanted to buy David Gray's new CD, but I don't know our itunes password, I want to go frolic through the grass, but I'm so tired that I would look like a "recovering" drug addict. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!!!!!!! I need to learn how to drive a car so I can get a license, I need to go get a chocolate bar so I won't fall asleep right now, just a second.................................................................... Ok. I need to edit a wedding so that it will be done by Sunday, I need to edit a Youth video so that we can show it on Sunday, I need to do much..........

When it rains it pours, eh?
But the wetter it is, the more fun it is to play Soccer.
That was random.
I wish I was in school.
You wait all that time wish you could get out, then you get out, and you wish you were back in. How ironic.

There's a bog on fire about twenty minutes away from our house that is on fire, so Vancouver is really smoky and hazy right now. They say it could take weeks to put out, because the bog is essentially made of dozens of feet of peat moss stacked in layers. When the fire gets in there, it can burn underground and is really hard to find, and dangerous if stepped on. It will probably be hazy for a while. No stars. Darn. Walks stink without stars.


By the way, I wasn't grumbling about all the stuff I need to do. If it sounded that way, that's not the way I meant it. Busyness is good, and there must be some reason for it, but it's pretty smokey here and I can't see too well.


Anonymous said...

oh great. so you advertiese my blog and i didnt' write anything at all yesterday!!! (but its not my fault 'casue i got home late and my dad was on the computer). hahaha thanks anyway.

Anonymous said...

HEY i was the first one to post....a little late...hahahaha

Anonymous said...

i am so sorry that you can't see the stars. that really is tragic...

Crazy Crochetting Cat Lady said...

I know how you feel joel, ive been there many times before... the stars will come back and so will your energy... im hoping my energy will come back soon too...

Anonymous said...

guess what. i have been home all day and i actually had extra time on my hands so i was online. except now that i dont have a life, everyone else suddenly does.

Anonymous said...

you don't ever have a life, what are you talking about?!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

no you dont. at least not a life like i have.

Anonymous said...


I'm slightly confused.

Ok. Really confused.

MrsRoper said...

i'm feeling the not beitng in school thing too... except i think its a little different for me... anyways, i don't so much like working for a living... but it pays the bills... heehee