Saturday, October 01, 2005

this post is for postaholics...

I have posted a lot. Dang. I might be a postaholic. except that it's not like I look forward to posting, or get peeved if I can't post, I just have a bunch of time on my hands. hahaha. I want to do school. Somebody ask me a history question. Or here's one you should all know: Who was defeated in the battle of Waterloo? I know. Extremely easy. HAHA. now if any of you don't know it, you'll feel all awkward and not want to admit it. hahaha. I'm joking. haha. Some people might not look for history text books to read for fun. HAHAHA> please someone ask me a question. a good obscure one. please.... come on.


Anonymous said...

Ok. Why has no one posted yet? Is it because I post too much? hahaha. I don't hold it against you. Hmm.

Anonymous said...

I have been sleeping and doing school. Sorry! Here is my post. You don't really post too much. You do post A LOT though. hajaheehajahee!!!


MrsRoper said...

wasn't it napoleon(sp?) who was defeated at waterloo? and i know what you mean by wanting to be back in school... real life is boring!