Wednesday, October 12, 2005

cloudy skies.

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey, It is not sunny. It's cloudy and rainy. Nobody has been blogging lately, eh? it's too bad, but all things slowly fade away. I knew the whole blog bit would eventually, and it has actually lasted longer than I thought, but I think it will soon end. Hardly anyone comments anymore, not that I blame you all, people have lives, and most likely busier ones than mine. But even mine is busy now, and I find it hard to post frequently. Ah yes, the blogging is dying out. It's sad. Too bad.

(By the way, this post was not written with the intention of making everyone post like postaholics again. It was just noting a sad fackt. {hahahahahaha})


Brittany said...

At least you still have all the anonymous *people* posting:-) Hahahaha.

MrsRoper said...

joe... i shouted out to you on my blog... haha!

Anonymous said...

Post more and I will comment more.

Brittany said...

I agree w/ that!

Anonymous said...

my life has indeed gotten busy. but it is crazy because i am busy for 3 days and then boring for the other 5...then i will have 2busy weeks and 2 boring months...

consistency would be nice...

Brittany said...

I am consistently busy with free time in between.

Anonymous said...

thanks to John for the link to the Tai Chi site, I really want to get into that........HAHAHAHAHAHAHa. Poor john. I'm going to delete his comment later. Ok. A few interesting points of interest.

A. I post more than any of the other popular bloggers even with a job and other stuff to do.
B. I am never consistently busy, I am consistently unconsistently busy, meaning I am busy for part of every day, but not all the day.
C. I want to shave my head again.
D. ......................

ok all of those and no D.

Brittany said...

A. I think all of us have some sort of job.
B. I agree. I am busy for part of the day and not the rest.
C. Well............
D. I think AIM probably works better than blogging.

amazed said...

It was much easier to find time to post and comment in the summer and at the beginning of the school semester.

amazed said...

Maybe the blogging will pick back up on Christmas break.

Brittany said...

Or next summer!

MrsRoper said...

christmas break is a better bet... because even next summer people will have jobs, but who works during christmas?

Brittany said...

Even though we don't work it is an extremely busy season.

Anonymous said...


Brittany said...

You mean you do work or you're not buys?

Brittany said...

Hahahaha! *busy*

MrsRoper said...

very true

Josh Sczebel said...

i love everyone.

Brittany said...

Me too!